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Useful Resource for Contract
or Individuals Looking to Expand

Resource Links

Here are related links to various industry; federal, state & local government; trade associations; benefits; and other resources that you may find useful as a contractor or an individual wishing to expand your knowledge of the electrical contracting industry. Please note: The Arizona Chapter of NECA is not responsible for the content or reliability of the linked websites.

Partners- National & Local

National Electrical Contractors Association

NECA is a trade association that represents electrical contractors in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe and Australia. If you would like more information about the benefits of becoming a NECA member, please contact our chapter at (602) 263-0111.

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

The IBEW is the largest electrical workers union in the world, representing workers rights in all areas of the electrical industry.

Council of Industrial Relations

The Council of Industrial Relations (CIR) exists as a result of the mutual determination of IBEW and NECA to provide a forum for the peaceful resolution of labor disputes in the electrical contracting industry.

Phoenix Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee

Contact the PEJATC at (602) 263-8104 for more information about career and training opportunities for electricians in the Metro Phoenix or Northern Arizona areas.

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 640 

To learn more about the benefits of becoming a union electrician in Arizona Contact IBEW Local 640 at (602) 264-4506.

The electrical training ALLIANCE (previously called NJATC) is a joint training program between NECA and the IBEW. The program’s goal is to train the best electrical workers in the industry. For more information on a career in the electrical industry, visit

Powering Arizona

We Power Phoenix




Benefits- Local

Health and Welfare Plan Benefits

IBEW Local 640 and AZ Chapter NECA Health & Welfare Trust Fund offer health insurance benefits with BlueCross BlueShield of Arizona. 

For more information go to

Zenith-American Solutions

America’s largest third-party employee benefit program administrator, Zenith-American, serves as the plan administrator for IBEW Local 640 and Arizona Chapter NECA benefit trust funds.

 National Electrical Benefit Fund

NEBF is the third largest Taft-Hartley Pension Plan in the U.S. It serves over 526,311 participating individuals, with 126,622 of those individuals receiving either a retirement or surviving spouse benefit.

Employment Opportunities

Helmets to Hardhats

Separating from the service? Your military skills are worth a lot in the nation’s building and construction industries. Helmets to Hardhats is co-sponsored by all 15 Building and Construction Trade organizations, as well as their employer associations, which together represent about 82,000 contractors.

Industry Resources

National Electrical Installation Standards

NEIS (developed by NECA in partnership with other industry organizations) are the first performance standards for electrical construction.


National Lighting Bureau

Founded in 1976, the NLB, is a not-for-profit educational organization that is funded by private industry, trade associations, professional societies, and agencies of the federal government.


National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NEMA is a trade association through which the electrical industry develops and promotes positions on standards and government regulations.


National Fire Protection Association

Since 1896, NFPA’s mission is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating scientifically based consensus codes and standards, research, training and education.


National Safety Council

The National Safety Council is a recognized leader in providing and health solutions for reducing unintentional death and disabling injuries.


National Electrical Manufacturers Representatives Association

NEMRA is an association in the electrical industry promoting the use of independent manufacturers’ representatives as the most effective way to market products in the electrical industry.


Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

Founded in 1894, UL has since gained the reputation of being the leader in U.S. product safety and certification and is an independent, not-for-profit organization.


Electrical Contractor Magazine

This magazine is provided as a service to the members of the NECA. Visit the ECMAG website for industry-related articles, research, surveys, vendor product guides, and more. 


Arizona State University

ASU has an accredited distance learning program for electrical engineering. They offer non-traditional professional development options related to this field. This program can be found at:


Arizona Registrar of Contractors

This site has the complete information about licensing, examinations, bonding, license applications, and employment opportunities in Arizona.


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